dad plus one plus five
each post continues from the previous one

Monday 29 November 2010

Shutting down blog

In order to avoid this blog causing unnecessary serious upset amongst certain parties, all the entries to date are being deleted, except for the original introductions.

Saturday 8 August 2009

Participants 1979

Start of year 1979.

I am 44, somewhat greying, just over 6 feet tall, and usually weighing about 12 stones, although at the turn of the year I was 4 pounds overweight through excessive eating. I am a Consulting Engineer, working on my own; in other words I am Self Employed. I work mostly from home.
My wife Jenny is 40, retaining her hair remarkably well, as she was when younger, a beautiful shade of brown with ginger highlights when at it’s best.

Mike is 16, and is in the first year of his 6th form at the local comprehensive. He tends to be bigheaded, slightly arrogant, about 5 feet 11 inches in height, and has a charm and good looks that bamboozle strangers into considering him to be super.

Heather is 15, and is in the 4th form of the same comprehensive, doing extremely well at almost all the subjects she studies. She is attractive, somewhat like her mother, but she currently has to wear a brace on her teeth as she is having them remodelled. The brace is not the best thing to give a girl confidence, and it takes some considerable energy on our part, at times, to keep her from feeling depressed.

Fio is 13, and is in the 3rd year of the same school. She appears to enjoy the work, and does very well, although gives the impression of hiding behind her older sister educationally. Not very surprising, with an older sister doing very well, but the repercussions of this at home are sometimes rather difficult to overcome. She is just as bright as her sister.

The other two children appear in the diary later.

Monday 27 July 2009

Reason for diary

I've always admired people who write diaries. There is no way an ordinary person can recall details of their life as well as by referring to a diary they had written at the time, so when I had a period of work in 1979 which was not totally time consuming I thought that would be an opportune time to keep a diary. This slack period did not last long, but was felt to be long enough to give a good flavour of our life at the time.

Thirty years later, having reached a 'retired' state, whatever that is meant to wistfully portray, I thought it should be put in the public domain, initially in blog form, to see whether there would be any interest in such material.

Actually, the main reason probably has to be for our children to remind them of the hard times they had in their formative years, and also for the grandchildren to give them an idea of what their parents went though when they were children.